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Day 13

Wow!  Tomorrow marks the 2 week mark from my diving dismount (lol) off Party Barn. It was the fall that was the trouble, more like the sudden stop. Actually friends say I rolled. I don’t remember the details.  But I am thrilled to report I am doing a bit better every day!  

It has been an interesting journey so far. I’ve seen PB a couple of times and talked to him over the fence. I miss him!  It’s hard to go from seeing him for hours a day to nothing. I see that he is happy out with his friends. Enjoying the last of the summer grass and the last (hopefully) of our Indian Summer. 

Forced downtime has been interesting. I have slept a lot, but been able to make it thru a day or two recently, without a nap. I am starting to get some office things worked on and get myself moving around a little more. 

I suspect as the body feels better my challenge will be to go slow. That’s not really in my make-up. I know I need to let this collarbone heal up and I am thinking of letting my horses go out on 30 acres with friends so they can have some fun and socialize a bit. 

And for me, what’s next for PB & me has been starting to pop up. For now I can’t think about it just yet. The other question that is also coming up for me is whether or not to sign up for the RRP next year. Again, too soon to consider!  For now, I shall continue to rest and save those questions for another day. 

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