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Having fun!!!

This is such a fun horse this Party Barn!! I am learning so much from him about the try and about deeper connection.

I am getting in a couple rides here and there, nothing to write home about but I am wanting to change his opinion of associating riding with work. I want him to feel fun things like me getting on him just to scratch some itchy spots. I basically want him to want me on his back and I want him to willingly follow my lead. I am loving building this connectivity.

I have been continuing to play with the lay down. With the humidity on the rise and the warmer temps, he is always wanting to lay down. I have made progress and today I was able to rub him on the back and even have him reach around to see me out of the other eye! The idea to lay down is usually there before I ask him. The cue is the simple back of my hand touching the top of his leg. The reward is simply being present. And the bonding is rubbing and sometimes a treat. I am not big on treat training as I am more of a purest in my teaching methodology. Horses do not treat each other with food rewards, so I don't treat them with food rewards.

And so our fun continues!!!

Until next week!


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