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Making the Time

The hardest thing about this competition so far is finding the time to get in good, uninterrupted blocks of time to work with him. Most of the time, I grab him when I can in between lessons or drag him out into the arena online while I teach. During this work, it might seem to some that we are not doing much, but in fact we are working on our connection. I am specific in our leading asking him to be and move with me with clarity. This kind of work build partnership. I tell him he has a job, to help me, to move with me and at times to move loose horses away from us. I do love this kind of work and he is getting the hang of it and doing quite well! He is big and still growing. His hind end is still much taller than his front end and I do hope that it catches up soon!

I am getting in a few short rides here an there when he passes the pre-ride checklist. We are mainly working on bending and following the rein on the sidepull (no bit) to start to develop softness and reaching from his hind foot through his body. This has been very hard for him, especially to the right as expected from a horse who mainly goes left and is handled on the left.

I am crazy about this guy. He is beautiful inside and out!

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