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A Happy Accident

So Party Barn and I had a challenging work session where he was testing boundaries and I was holding boundaries. Needless to say, he did not pass my pre-ride check list, so we continued work on the ground to benefit him bio-mechanically. After our session was over, I pulled off the saddle and did a little more work on cooling him out and on bonding. It was obvious he wanted to do his favorite thing, which is to roll in the sand! Every time he lays down, I try to get close to him to just hang out while he is down in order to build his trust with me nearby when he is in such a vulnerable position. Since it was feed time, I had someone bring me his grain quietly so he had no idea. The first time he laid down, he let me get close and I pulled out his grain while he was down and he took a few mouthfuls while he was down!! I was so excited. In the lay down, he only got one side as he is not yet able to roll over.

So, thinking he would lay down again, I handed off the grain bucket and hung out with him for a few minutes. I began to paw the ground with my foot and watch him for signs that he wanted to lay down and roll on the other side. Sure enough, he was game and laid right down. This time he was a little calmer and stayed down longer and ate some of his grain AND we were able to snap a picture!

I was thrilled at this to say the least. I know how to make a horse submit and lay down. I know how to cue this and turn it into a trick. I know how to develop it so the horse wants to and enjoys laying down. But I have never allowed it evolve like this and cue it after he offers it up to see if I can create the cue more on his suggestion instead of my demand. So I am playing with this. I want him to be a full willing participant in this process. This approach to training will take more time, but I believe will create a partner that is willing and committed at a very deep level. So enjoy the pic we captured and stay tuned! As of today, Mondays will me PB Makeover Mondays and I will post the latest on Mondays to this blog post! I hope you enjoy!

All our Best, PB&J


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